Reiki Healing
Reiki Healing @ The Happy Co Hamilton, Newcastle
Distance Reiki Healing, Online via Zoom
Benefits of Reiki include...
deep relaxation and a greater sense of wellbeing and peace
relief from stress, anxiety or overwhelm
deeper, more restful sleep
feeling energised, emotionally stronger and a sense of clarity
faster recovery or healing from illness, by relieving symptoms and uncovering possible causes – each physical ailment the body has an energetic cause
I first discovered Reiki in the hills of Dharamshala, India...
I'm a firm believer that nothing happens by 'coincidence', and that when we are open to seeing and receiving the gifts of the universe, things begin to illuminate on our path.
I'm not sure if it was the fresh mountain air, the indescribable energy of the town His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls home, but it was there that I was called to learn this beautiful healing art and redefine everything in my life moving forward.
I took chance on a ‘feeling’ (or intuition as I know to call it now!)
And that’s where my Reiki journey began…
What can I expect from a session?
A Reiki healing session with me can be a potent blend of Reiki energy healing, holistic counselling and coaching,
and intuitive guidance all rolled into one!
Why? Because I can't help myself! I want to equip you with as much goodness and support as I can. I'm all about growth, expansion and up-leveling, and trust that my healing sessions are powerful, potent and always give you what you need most at that time.
A session is about 90 minutes, and this allows time for an initial chat,
a nourishing Reiki treatment followed by a debrief about anything that came up in the healing.
I offer IN-PERSON + ONLINE sessions.
For those of you in Newcastle, NSW, Australia you can book a session at my studio in Hamilton.
Not in Newcastle? Or want to enjoy a healing from the comfort of your home? Book a Distance session via Zoom.
As I work very intuitively, there are always a whole host of messages and divine guidance you'll take away from our sessions.
At the end, we will recap the key messages and actions moving forward to support deeper, lasting shifts.
After one single session you will feel the benefits of being calmer, more relaxed and relief from tension in the body.
I can hear you saying, 'Yes please!' Reiki is especially helpful if you are going through a time of increased stress, anxiety,
lack of sleep, or in general feeling 'depleted'.
If you are seeking Reiki to support a deeper, or more longer-standing emotional or physical issue, I recommend at least 3 sessions to allow you to see and feel the true benefits of Reiki, which will yield even further and deeper benefits overall.
Book a Reiki Healing Session - and start feeling better today!
Reiki has the capacity to heal every aspect of the body - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Our chakras are the centres in our bodies in which energy flows through. Healthy balanced chakras are constantly in motion, imagine them like spinning wheels. At times in our life, these wheels can become 'stuck' and energy is unable to move. Blocked energy in our seven chakras can often lead to illness, stress, anxiety or simply not feeling vibrant, so it's important to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely
Reiki helps to rebalance and align the energy centres. It encourages ‘shifts’ in energy leading to feelings of calm and ease, a sense of clarity and inner strength.
Studio Location
The studio address is 2/11 Swan Street Hamilton, and part of the same building as the Aldi Supermarket.
However, the entrance to the studio is via Hudson Street (around the corner).
This map shows the studio location - opposite the Hudson St Salvation Army Store and 'Paint Powerhouse'.
You’ll also receive detailed instructions upon booking your appointment.
Please note: The studio entrance is at street level, however there are 2 flights of stairs up to the studio.