Women's Circles


WEDNESDaY 5th June 
 7pm - 8:30pm

New Moon Sacred Circle

Enjoy an evening of meditation & Reiki healing, connect to your intuition through oracle cards & journaling + enjoy authentic conversation with like-minded women. The theme for this gathering is 'Align & Awaken', and all about working with the energy of the New moon to powerfully align to your desires and awaken a deeper courage and belief that what you want really is possible.

Includes tea & nourishing treats. Limited spaces, bookings essential.


FRIDAY 21st June 
 7pm - 8:30pm

Full Moon Sacred Circle

Enjoy an evening of meditation & Reiki healing, connect to your intuition through oracle cards & journaling + enjoy authentic conversation with like-minded women. Align with the intention to 'Bless & Release', as we work with the energy of the Full moon to cleanse, release, reset.

Includes tea & nourishing treats. Limited spaces, bookings essential.