Own Your Magic:
Personal Breakthrough 
 6 Week Package

Are you ready to UP-LEVEL your life and break patterns of perfections, anxiety, self doubt, fear or self-sabotage?

Is to time to RELEASE old stories and create a NEW truth?

Is it time to improve your self-talk, feel more CONFIDENT and believe you are WORTHY of an abundant life?

Do you wish you had the ACCOUNTABILITY and SUPPORT you need to actually TAKE ACTION towards your dreams and make the CHANGE you so desire?

1:1 Transformative HOLISTIC HEALING


I have worked with Karen in the past six months for Time Line Therapy, Distance Reiki and Holistic Counselling. Karen's ability to listen, reframe and understand you is a true gift. 

She has worked patiently with me when I have been swimming with uncertainty and self-doubt, helping me realise my most fundamental mental barriers and slowly work with me to unpack and rise above them.

I enjoy every session we have, always able to have a laugh and enjoy the conversation we share! 

I have complete faith in the journey and know that I am enriched for it. I have these breakthrough moments of such clarity and understanding of my true self that I am forever grateful for. 

Give it a go, you won't regret it for a second!

"If you are contemplating spending any time or investment with Karen,
then let me tell you - it will be worth it! 

Gabby's transformation 


Karen has such a beautiful ability to hold space and to anticipate what will be most supportive. She is SO tuned in! Anything I am struggling with Karen has the amazing gift of being able to articulate what is going on so beautifully AND what is needed to work through it. 

I feel so blessed to have Karen as my soul coach, mentor and biggest cheerleader. I can’t imagine where I would be without her!!"

"It’s hard to articulate the impact Karen has had on my life...  I call her my ‘soul coach’, supporting me to work towards my dreams & bringing me back to
who I am at a soul level. 

kind words


After each session, I felt not only lighter but more safe and comfortable within my body.

I was drawn to the 6 week package to heal deeper inner child and ancestry wounds that no matter what type of therapy modalities I had engaged in prior, there were things I could still feel at a deeper level that no other modality to this point could take me there to heal.

Working with Karen really helped me dig those deeper hidden wounds and narratives out and tease them apart to not only heal, but also take powerful learnings and insights that will continue to help me grow and evolve both personally and in my business.

I wholeheartedly recommend you jump right in, I trust you won't regret it. Karen is a true goddess in this space and I am beyond grateful for her support and guidance during this phase of my healing journey

"Karen has a way of holding such a safe and sacred space for you to uncover shifts, insights and learnings at a deeper level free of complete judgement.

Janelle's transformation 

How much longer are you willing to let old patterns of the past determine your future? 

As I always say, healing is only as hard as you wish to make it.

You can choose to hold on to past, never fully letting it go.
You can choose to keep believing you are not good enough to do what you really want to.
You can choose to stay stuck in your current circumstance ...
whether that's an unfulfilling job, chronic stress and anxiety, crappy relationships, or a lack of 'purpose' ... 


So why not CHOOSE for it to be easy and effortless?

If you are ready now to stop the negative self talk and start believing in yourself again, then I’d love to support you.

This package will be the catalyst for powerful shifts, wherever you are on your healing journey
or if you feel it's time to go to your 'next-level'

Over our 6 weeks together we will...

Uncover and heal limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the loop of perfection, self-doubt and/or anxiety

Release any past negative emotions/experiences that are affecting your present reality (and subsequently, your future)

You will experience a potent shift each week, letting go of worry, self doubt and over-thinking
 so you can start trusting your intuition again

Discover ways to move forward with greater clarity and confidence, so you actually take action towards your goals

There’s no need to do it alone! Remember, healing is only as hard as you make it.

I’m here to be your cheerleader for change and encourage you to CHOOSE for it to be effortless, enjoyable, insightful, expansive, and transformative. Give yourself permission to be supported today.

alana T.

It was an incredible experience, which has shown me the way forward through unlocking keys in the past, I cannot recommend TLT with Karen enough! It’s a game changer! Actually anything that Karen offers -sign me up because I knew from my first experience with Karen just how daayummm great it is going to be!

Thank you Karen, you are such a beautiful human."

"Having experienced Karen‘s awesomeness in Reiki,
I decided to sign up to her programme and all
 I can say is WOW!

kind words

if this is for you
- let's connect!

This is a powerful 6-week offering that will help you uncover and release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, amplify your energy, dial up your self confidence and create BIG shifts in your life!

What's included

6 x Weekly healing sessions ( 90 minutes ) in person or online via Zoom 
Drawing on my unique blend of holistic modalities including
Time Line Therapy™, Hypnotherapy, Reiki & NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming)

Two x Personalised hypnosis audio recordings specifically created for you,
to deepen the integration of the learnings for long-lasting results

Support via email and/or text communication for the duration of the 6 weeks 

Own Your Magic PDF Journal

$1800 AUD Pay in Full. Payment plans available.

What is Timeline Therapy?
And why do I need it in my  life?

It's time to
own your magic!

say yes to you! Get in touch today

I am so glad I listened to this little nudge from my intuition. I am someone who has always found it difficult to be vulnerable, and yet with Karen I never felt any shame or judgement, just a loving acceptance to show up as myself and a safe space to work through all the old, stuck emotions that were no longer serving me.  

What Karen does is not magic (although sometimes it feels that way!) and it is not an easy, quick fix to all your problems. It is so much more than that!

She helps you to reclaim your power. I feel lighter without heavy emotions weighing me down, I feel braver and more supported knowing I can trust my own inner knowing. But most importantly, Karen has helped me to realise that I have the power to help myself. And that is the most valuable gift I could have asked for.

Karen, thank YOU. You have no idea the gift you have given me.”

"I instantly felt drawn to Karen's warm and supportive energy and felt I could trust her to guide me through the deep inner healing I so desperately needed.  

Hayley's transformation 

Time Line Therapy™ helps us let go of the old beliefs and emotions that are holding us back. It is a powerful, yet simple process, which frees us from the past so we can create our desired future. 

Our life experiences and the memories associated with them influence how we approach our lives now, day to day.
It’s “the stuff” from the past that keeps us in a holding pattern and stops us from achieving the results we truly desire.

Time Line Therapy™ uses your individual own internal “Time Line” by working with your Unconscious Mind in a number of ways which includes healing emotional traumas and eliminating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours very easily and effortlessly.

We all experience negative emotions such as Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt and Guilt.
Any emotion not fully processed, is suppressed. It is stored in our body and energy system, and you can imagine after many years of not being healed, how this may then present itself negatively - most commonly as chronic stress, burnout, anxiety, depression,  feeling stuck, or the growing sense that something needs to 'change'. 

The power of Time Line Therapy is in its ability to discover and remove negative emotions and limiting decisions at a level to which we are not conscious, in an easy and effortless way. 

cindra B.

It was incredibly eye-opening and I learnt so much about myself, my emotions and past patterning that I was holding onto. Each session I was able to connect with my intuition and spirit guides and receive important messages for my life, now and going forward. The space that Karen creates for you is pure magic.
 You feel like you are safe, supported and held. 

I couldn't recommend Karen enough to work through life stuff with, the timeline therapy was so simple and effective and experiencing reiki was an enriching and rejuvenating experience. 

"I had the pleasure of working with Karen for Time Line Therapy and Reiki. Holy heck! What a journey we had together. 

tash M.

I had a great experience already with our Reiki sessions, and wanted to dig deeper and explore and develop my personal growth and development further.

It was such an incredible experience – I was able to release old emotions and really work through past events in my life, some that I didn’t even realise I was holding onto.

Karen holds such a safe space, and really guided me through the experience. I had such great breakthroughs in the sessions, understanding my worth and noticing old patterns of myself and others that don’t serve me anymore."

"I cannot recommend Time Line Therapy enough! 

valentine G.

When I found out that Karen was practicing Time Line Therapy, it was obvious to me that she was the person that I wanted to experience it with.

I didn’t really know what to expect from it and was amazingly surprised to see how it helped me to release emotions about past events that were were holding me back.

And guess what??? It worked, it worked, it worked!"

"Her voice, presence, kindness create such a loving, peaceful and safe environment to be yourself, who you truly are! 

cristal D.

"I recently completed the Time Line Therapy sessions with Karen.

Tapping into your subconscious to revisit past events and take away learnings from these to help you into the future was INCREDIBLE.

Coupled with Reiki at the end of a session was just bliss.
I came away with some great affirmations and goals."

kind words

get in touch today!

I'm ready for transformation!